Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pulse of 2010

This will be a continuous feed of opinion pieces that are related to the 2010 election.

- (Saturday, January 23, 2010) Insight into the Democratic operation can be found here. Obama is really taking the lead on the midterms as either a Democratic win or loss will change his presidency. Specifically, this article touches on two very important issues that will be key to the direction of Obama's presidency:
The discussion inside the White House includes at least two distinct debates: Should Mr. Obama assume a more populist or centrist theme in his message? And should the White House do what it takes to pass compromise legislation or should it force votes, which even if unsuccessful can be used to carry an argument against Republicans in the fall?
I think that Obama should take a centrist stance, bringing himself back to the base that elected him in the election of 2008. This should be followed by compromise legislation that is truly reform minded. Obama should ignore politicians on both extremes and actually accomplish what he set out to do.

- (Saturday, January 23, 2010) The Tea Party activists and Republican Party are having a struggle about who is in charge. You can read an interesting piece about this through the
New York Times here. It would be interesting to see if the tea party actually pushes the Republican Party to the center.

- (Friday, January 22, 2010) A piece about Republican prospects for winning seats in 2010 and their struggle to find a candidate, written by Bill Schneider and published in the National Journal, can be found here.

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