Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Mission

I find myself a little bit skeptical about the whole "blogging" thing but I'm finding today's media and political atmosphere a little bit frustrating. So, I'm going to try to find an op-ed or interesting article (or more) everyday and post it on the blog. I hope that my posts will better inform you and give you a chance to think about the issues in a different way.

As a disclaimer, I find myself to be a genuine hybrid on the issues. I am a liberal on social issues (pro-choice, anti-death penalty, pro-gay marriage). Yet, I differ with many liberals on the issues of affirmative action and "don't ask, don't tell." On issues of national security, I favor Teddy Roosevelt's saying: "speak softly and carry a big stick." Fiscally, I am truly frustrated with the American bureaucracy. At this time, social legislation will only bog down economic growth even more.

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